the green fuse/resources

(This page no longer includes links to sustainabilty sites).


International Association for Environmental Philosophy
The IAEP embraces a broad understanding of environmental philosophy, including not only environmental ethics, but also environmental aesthetics, ontology. Publish the academic journal Environmental Philosophy.

Wikipedia on Environmental ethics
Provides a useful starting point

Environmental Philosophy on Erratic Impact
A host of connections to related topics

Center for Environmental Philosophy
Links to Internet resources throughout the world related to environmental ethics and environmental philosophy

Environmental Ethics
A Survey of Selected Internet Resources on Environmental Ethics

Environmental Values is a useful journal concerned with the basis and justification of environmental policy

Philosophy Activism Nature is the home of a journal that focuses on the cultural aspects of environmental issues. Philosophical, psychological, mythological, religious, and aesthetic dimensions are explored.

Planetary Voices Green Radio carries audio features on a variety of subjects ranging from the Environment, Peace & Reconciliation and Human Rights.

Electronic Green Journal
Professional open access journal discussing environmental topics.

Online Bibliography of Environmental Thought.

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Deep Ecology:

The Trumpeter
Journal of the Deep Ecology movement

Some Questions About The Theoretical Foundations of W. Fox's Transpersonal Ecology and Arne Naess' Ecosophy T

Deep Ecology Selected Writings

Joanna Macy
Eco-philosopher Joanna Macy, Ph.D., is a scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep ecology. Her site describes the strands of her thought on deep ecology and engaged Buddhism.

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Ecofeminist Visions Emerging

Blog: The Cedar Hill Report: Ecofeminism, Subsistence Living, and Nature Awareness

Critical and Constructive Contributions of Ecofeminism by Charlene Spretnak

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Social Ecology:

Institute for Social Ecology

Harbinger, A Journal of Social Ecology

Social Ecology London

A discourse on Social Ecology by J.Kelvyn Richards, Faculty of Education,Nottingham, Trent University.

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Religions of the World and Ecology
Conference series, hosted by the Harvard University Center for the Study of World Religions. Conferences involved the direct participation and collaboration of some seven hundred scholars, religious leaders and environmental specialists from around the world.

The Forum on Religion and Ecology is the largest international multireligious project of its kind. With its conferences, publications, and website it is engaged in exploring religious worldviews, texts, and ethics in order to broaden understanding of the complex nature of current environmental concerns. provides a range of resources for the academic study of religion and nature.

The Alliance of Religions and Conservation
ARC helps religious communities around the world care for the environment.

Daedalus, journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, on Religion and Ecology: Can The Climate Change? (Fall 2001). Contents include articles discussing ecology in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hindu traditions, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucian Humanism, Daoism and Indigenous American spirituality.

SGI Quarterly magazine published a very useful issue devoted to Religion & Ecology in July 2010. It includes interviews with representative of the major faiths.

The Working Group on Religion, Ethics and Nature is a local initiative based at Ohio Northern University.

"Invoking the Spirit: Religion and Spirituality in the Quest for a Sustainable World", by Gary Gardner (Worldwatch Paper 164:Dec. 2002).

Sacred Earth Network

EarthLight - The magazine of Spiritual Ecology

Cross Currents magazine
Carries a wide range of interesting and useful articles including:

The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis by Professor Lynn White, Jr. Although this view is somewhat discredited it has been very influential.

Religion and Environment has more on the White discussion

Reep is a charity which provides resources for teachers and learners about the links between religions and the environment

The Inner Ecology:Buddhist Ethics and Practice

A Buddhist Perspective on Animal Rights

A Buddhist Response to Global Warming is an extensive collection of resources and information on the subject.

Pollution and the Environment:
Some Radically New Ancient Views

What Is Enlightenment?
Fascinating magazine with extensive online material. The issue on the question 'Can Enlightenment Save the World?' is particularly relevant

Shomrei Adamah (Keepers of the Earth) is a Jewish environmental organization based in Washington, DC

UK Network of Engaged Buddhists combine the cultivation of inner peace with active social compassion

University of Creation Spirituality


Where the buffalo go: How science ignores the living world.
An interview with Vine Deloria

Alastair McIntosh's Home Page
Alastair is a man full of wisdom who has a "passion for that which gives life - with community that is social, ecological and ... spiritual"


Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Environmental Science

Islam and Ecology: Toward Retrieval and Reconstruction, by S. Nomanul Haq, offers an intelligent discussion. It is quite complex but more thoughtful than most material on this subject.

The Faith Spirituality and Social Change site has links to sites about specific faith traditions.

A World of Green Muslims is a Muslim environmental blog.

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The Ecopsychology UK website provides a variety of useful information.

Ecopsychology Online

International Community for Ecopsychology

European Ecopsychology Society

Ecopsychology by John Seed

Mind and Environment: A Psychological Survey of Perspectives Literal, Wide, and Deep provides an excellent overview of the field by Craig Chalquist, MS PhD.

Teaching Psychology for Sustainability: A Manual of Resources has a wide range of excellent materials. Includes a section on ecopsychology.

Ecotherapy is a union between the ideas of ecopsychology and psychotherapy. A number of practitioners - including my own Exeter practice - are listed at Ecopsychology UK.

Alastair McIntosh's Home Page
Alastair's work crosses boundaries and I'm not sure that he would call himself an Ecopsychologist. There is a wealth of material here on "human ecology - the study and participation in the relationships between the natural environment and the social environment"

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Environment & road protest camps - UK

Road Raging: Protest Camp tips for direct action

Earth First! - UK

Earth First! - World

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Training and education

Greening Schools - US

Ecoschools - UK

Nature connection workshops enable participants to connect - or reconnect - with with the wider web of life. The workshops draw on ecopsychology and the Art of Mentoring training (see below).

Second Nature help students, faculty, staff and administrators make sustainability a core part of their institution.

The Liedloff Continuum Network
Network promoting the ideas of Jean Liedloff. The continuum concept is the theory that babies need constant physical contact with their mother from birth; sleeping in the parents' bed; breastfeeding 'on cue'; being constantly carried in arms, etc., thereby sensing their elders' expectations that they are welcome and worthy.

The US based Wilderness Awareness School offers a range of courses including the week long Art of Mentoring workshop. The Art of Mentoring is an immersion into a living, learning culture of nature and self-awareness. Events are available in the US and UK.

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Embodied Knowledge

The Bodymind Place blog explores the relationship between the bodymind and location. Although the blog draws on theories of embodied situated cognition (ESC) it is not technical. Embodiment Resources discusses ESC theory in more depth.

A critical discussion of Lakoff and Johnson's 'Philosophy In the Flesh: The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought'.

Embodiment Resources provides a wide ranging discussion of human embodiment.

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